School closes for half-term on Friday 21st February and will reopen to children on Tuesday 4th March.

Religious Education

Here at Kielder Primary School, we passionately believe that RE forms a key component of helping our pupils to understand their place in the wider world. It promotes both a sense of 'belonging' to their local community and an appreciation of diversity and difference. 
We follow the Northumberland Agreed Syllabus for RE, 2022-2027. The document below details the intent, implementation and impact of the syllabus. 
We also engage with local churches to enable our pupils to take part in workshops with children from other local schools. Recently, we have taken part in workshops focusing on Pentecost and the importance of taking care of the planet, providing cross-curricular links with subjects such as Geography and Science.
Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE. Please contact Lee Ferris, Headteacher, if this affects you.